
How To Get Rid Of Burrowing Animals

If you are dealing with a burrowing animal problem, do not compromise. Read more to learn about this.

Problems owing to animals such as rats, bandicoots and other burrowing animals are not so common. But when they do strike, they give it their all and put up a good fight. Unlike above ground animals like dogs, cats and rabbits, burrowing animals cannot be stopped by simply installing a fence. And, they cause greater damage as compared to ground animals.

Here are some ways you can get rid of burrowing animals to help you maintain a vibrant, pest-free garden or landscape.

1. If there are holes or burrows in your garden, the first thing you must do is stomp dirt down the hole, do it well so that it is hard to dig up. This slows down and even irritates the animal which might cause it to move out of your garden. But animals do not give up that easy, and neither should you. You might have to repeat this for several days in a row, but do not worry. Your perseverance will reap rewards.

get rid of burrowing animals
FIll holes with mud or flush water down burrowed holes.

2. The basic idea behind getting rid of any kind of animal is to scare it off before it breeds. The same applies for burrowing animals. You, like many other people may cringe at the thought of setting up live traps. Yet, it has to be done. Place the traps at the opening of burrowed holes or at the entry points of your garden such as a gate or gap in the fence. When the animal comes out in search for food it will most likely chance upon your trap and get caught. Call your local pest control service to gain instructions on what to do next.get rid of burrowing animals

3. If you do not have the heart to place traps, you could run water down the hole. Place the hose in the mouth of the hole and run the water. As burrows are endless tunnels, water will fill up everywhere, forcing the animal to leave home and maybe even fear return. Do so only if you are certain that the burrow is nowhere near the foundation of your home. You would not want water seepage into the foundation of your home.

4. Most rodents are repelled by the scent of the grains of castor oil. You could definitely use that to your advantage. Spread castor oil grains all over garden area, especially where the animal is causing a major problem. Also, identify areas frequented by them and sprinkle castor oil grains there too. This will stop them from taking residence there, as well. To ensure that the scent is spread out, pour water over the seeds. This works wonders.

While dealing with such animals, one must be persistent and even stubborn. Repeat these techniques several times, even if it seems futile in the beginning.

Happy Gardening

How To Get Rid Of Burrowing Animals


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