
How Much Money Do You Spend On A Food A Month For One Person

A photo to accompany a story about family food budgets

Image Source: Adobe Stock

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Are you lot spending too much on groceries?

It might seem similar a crazy question, peculiarly after this year has forced many restaurants to shut and resulted in more than people cooking at home.

Information technology'southward easy to justify overspending by saying things like "it'southward yet cheaper than eating out." That may exist true, but your monthly food nib plays a major function in your overall fiscal success. It's an area that many of u.s. overlook when we create our budget — and information technology can wreak havoc on our spending if we're non careful.

That'due south why I'k a firm laic in setting a grocery budget of $100 per person per calendar month, starting with a family size of 3. Then if you are a family of six, your food budget would be $600 per month.


If y'all've never set a grocery budget before, these figures might seem a bit extreme or unattainable. Co-ordinate to the USDA, U.S. households spent an boilerplate of about $nine,000 on groceries in 2019, or $750 per calendar month. And as household income levels rise, so does grocery spending, according to the data.

But with a bit of planning and clever strategies, you can reduce your grocery spending over time.

There are two exceptions you should know when it comes to my $100 per person proposition.

For a single-person household, start at $200 per month. This will provide $100 for everyday groceries and an additional $100 to stock upwardly on sale items. For a two-person household, offset with $300 per month. This volition provide $200 for everyday groceries and an additional $100 to stock upward on auction items.

It'due south also important to annotation that these grocery limits are for food only. Toiletries and other items such as paper towels or deodorant are not included in this budget category. You lot can file those items nether miscellaneous or personal intendance categories.

Here are five tips I use to keep my ain family's grocery budget at $100 per person per calendar month:

1. Brand a listing based on weekly ads

People ofttimes make the mistake of creating a meal plan get-go, then jotting down a shopping listing based on the ingredients they need, ignoring their weekly ads birthday.

But the easiest way to save a lot of money on your groceries is to buy items when they go on sale, so start with your grocery ads first. This gives you lot the opportunity to cost compare between stores without leaving your home.

2. Take annotation of your current food inventory

Knowing what you have on hand volition help yous avoid buying what you don't need.

Monitoring your nutrient inventory also allows y'all to create a meal programme to apply upwardly what you have, which is a key strategy to eliminate food waste and help you regularly clean out your pantry and fridge.

three. Create a weekly carte plan

Y'all can build your repast plan based on weekly ads and what you have in your home. If you have trouble coming upwardly with meal ideas, helpful websites like AllRecipes and Fridge to Table provide recipes based on the ingredients you want to use.

4. Pay for those groceries in cash

If yous're new to grocery budgeting and want to ensure that you lot don't go over the $100-per-person budget, a smashing tactic is to spend with greenbacks.

When you use cash, you're more than likely to stick to your list, since you want to avert the embarrassment of putting an detail back at the cash register when you lot realize that you don't have enough coin to encompass the buy.

Spending with greenbacks gives you lot a physical boundary. Once the cash is gone, it's gone. And it's quite a different feel than using a credit card. The concrete act of counting out cash requires more mindfulness. Y'all actually see where your money is going. As your cash pile dwindles, yous're more likely to slow downwardly your spending.

5. Buy in majority (when y'all tin)

This tactic isn't only beneficial for large families; it's incredibly helpful for unmarried and two-person households too. Bulk items often have a lower cost-per-unit of measurement than if you bought the same item in a smaller quantity. Plus, majority buys don't take to exist used up all at in one case. They can easily be divided and broken down based on repast portions, no thing the family size. Use this strategy when buying meat, cheese, bread, rice, fifty-fifty coffee grounds.

Bonus tip to help y'all relieve money and time in your kitchen

Batch cooking on a regular basis helps you create a stockpile of meals for decorated nights.

The adjacent time you lot're cooking, gear up a few meals at once, or double batch your favorite meal to freeze for another night. Then after a long 24-hour interval when yous simply want to relax, you're less likely to order takeout considering you'll already have nutrient ready for you lot at home.

Bottom Line

Setting a grocery budget doesn't accept to experience restrictive and can aid you become more creative with your meals, while saving money at the same time.


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