
How Long Does It Take To Get Approved For Disability

Did you know that 61 million Americans have a disability? If you're facing time off work, we can help.

Are you wondering how to get long-term disability approved? Not to worry! In this guide, we'll go over how to get approved right away.

Get Long-Term Disability Approved

Want to learn more? Keep reading to find out.

1] Ask for an Application From the Human Resources Department

Talk with an employee working within your company's HR department. They can give you instructions on how to complete the long-term disability application.

There are instances when an employer won't give an employee the right materials to apply for the LTD benefits. If this happens, you can find an application from the insurance company.

Research the insurance company online and look for the LTD claim form. Most of the time, these applications are on the insurance company's website.

2] Finish and Submit Your Employee Statement

This is a section where you'll provide your date of birth, name, and social security number.

Make sure you have names of family members, occupation descriptions, and employers available. You'll also need to include your education and work history on this form.

Don't forget the specific date of your sickness or injury, and the last day you were at work. Explain why you're disabled. Get your doctor's contact information, as well as the medication you're receiving.

Make sure you add as much detail as possible. You can always add extra pages to the form if you run out of space. You'll need to submit an authorization form to let the insurance company rep to get your medical records.

If you need help filling this out, consider working with a lawyer. Find someone who has experience with long-term disability claims.

3] Ask for an Employer's Statement

There is a section on your LTD application that your employer will need to complete. They have to share when you were first hired and the effective date of insurance coverage.

Your employer will also need to provide how much you earned, your last day of work, and if you returned.

Your boss will have a section where they discuss other income or insurance benefits. There is a spot where they will need to describe the mental and physical needs of your occupation.

4] Don't Forget the Statement From Your Doctor

The insurance company representative will want to see a statement from your doctor. They will ask for details about symptoms, diagnoses, and further findings. The claim administrator will also want to know about your ongoing treatments.

Your doctor has to provide details about your mental or physical limitations. They will also need to estimate when you can go back to work.

Take your form to your doctor and ask them to complete it while you're there. This way, you can remind them of a spot they missed. Ask them to print off medical records that you can include with your application.

5] Submit Other Documents to Support Your Claim

Don't leave it to the insurance company to gather further evidence or records for your claim. If you have test results, submit these along with your application.

This could shorten the amount of time you wait. These extra documents could also strengthen your claim to help you get approved faster.

6] Expect a Waiting Period

All LTD policies have what they call an elimination period. This is the time between the onset of your disability and when you're allowed to receive benefits. During this period, you aren't eligible for LTD benefits yet.

These waiting periods can last up to six months long. They tend to last as long as your short-term disability policy.

You might have to use up any remaining sick leave before you file for short-term disability. Then you can use up all your short-term disability before applying for LTD.

7] Do You Have Pre-Existing Conditions?

In many LTD policies, there are specific exclusions for pre-existing conditions. A pre-existing condition is a condition diagnosed up to 180 days before your LTD coverage.

If a condition like this is present, you won't get paid benefits for disability coming out of that condition. This will last for the first twelve months of your LTD coverage.

8] There Are Some Excluded Conditions

Before you file an LTD claim, you'll want to find out if your LTD policy covers your injury or illness.

Some policies have specific exclusions for workplace accidents or particular diseases. Disabilities caused by drug abuse or mental illness might have a two-year limitation.

9] Do I Need to File for Social Security Disability?

If you do get approved, you might need to file for Social Security disability benefits. Your insurance company will offset the amount you receive against your LTD payment.

Your insurance company wants you to get approved for Social Security disability. They might hire a disability attorney to represent you for your social security case.

If you get benefits because of a workplace injury, file for workers' compensation. These payments will also offset your LTD benefits. Follow through with both claims so you can continue to receive LTD benefits.

If you need help navigating this route, research long-term disability insurance attorneys.

10] How to Get Long-Term Disability Approved

We hope this guide on long-term disability was helpful. Now that you know how to get long-term disability approved gather all your paperwork.

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How Long Does It Take To Get Approved For Disability


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