
Do Twins Have The Same Size Dick

Exercise twins have the same size dick?


Practise male identical twins have the same size dick?

Do twins have the same size dick?

Most Helpful Girls

  • RainbowFanGirl

    It depends whether the twins are from the event of fertilization of the sperm with the same egg or different egg. Too, surround and nutrient habbits will also influence the size in long term. They can have the same size penis in some cases, just most of the fourth dimension the size will differ by an inch or a few centimeters. I know some twin boys at my schoolhouse and I asked them this before. Ane said his penis is seven inches cock, and the other is 8 inches erect.

    Like 1 Person

    • MissNowhere

      Lol, asking guys about their penises and all... o_o Hahahahh

    • RainbowFanGirl

      Lol they didn't intendance they were cool with it. 😜

    • CheerGirl38139

      Being a twin... I know this ane. If you lot came two different eggs you lot tin't be identical ;)

      Which is how I know mine is smaller.. then I noticed she specified "identical".

  • IamNuts

    Most likely no, they may share the same genetics but you also have to factor in environmental conditions, nutrition, fettle, etc and since it has been shown that you're surrounding surroundings tin can affect your elevation I'm guessing the same applies to penis length every bit well. A good example would be the Sprouse twins
    Their tiptop varies by an inch or and so.

    Like 1 Person

    • CheerGirl38139

      those are not identical twins. She didn't put identical in the championship line, which is how I missed it at outset too

    • IamNuts

      @CheerGirl38139 Um yep they are. Practice a google search or search upwards The Suite life of Zack and Cody.

    • CheerGirl38139

      Deplorable. tin't see how its possible that they are from the same egg. Im a fraternal twin myself. I also have twin (boy) cousins that are not identical.

      Identical twins come from 1 egg and literally look about exactly akin (and of course are the same gender).

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  • HookingSwan

    lol How can we reply this question xD?

    Id say go on a field trip and check for yourself? lol lol lol

    Like 2 People

    • MissNowhere

      I'll pass for at present 😛

Almost Helpful Guys

  • dartmaul15

    no. They share the same genome, simply the development is unlike.
    The level of testosterone, dieting, obesity, enviroment, triggered medical conditions...
    Information technology has too a concrete effect, and volition brand a deviation.
    Also how you dress during puberty does matter. Likewise tight apparel can affect the size and curve considerably (in fact, during puberty it'south optimal for guys to sleep naked).

    So tl;dr. no they're not identical.

    Like two People

  • dangerDoge

    According to...
    world wide

    The answer is no.
    A person said on there "a few of my buddies are identical twins. While they were inebriated I asked that question and discovered that they practise not."

    Identical twins aren't ever identical. Environmental factors also play a function in evolution. Twins just have a college adventure of beingness like to each other.

    Like viii People

    • dangerDoge

      Thanks for MHO once more once again :) :)

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What Girls & Guys Said

12 43

  • KDA20

    I agree with those that say "No" - I saw a US detective show (I think Crim Minds) and they discovered an evil twin of a fix who were seperated at birth unbeknown to each other while skilful twin was prime suspect because of Deoxyribonucleic acid evidence but was alibied by wife. They had verbal same DNA but different fingerprints then identical twins are not 100% identical. In reality I am not sure just I am leaving room for might not be equal size.

    Like two People

  • cavmanier

    They could technically share the aforementioned exact dick if they are conjoined. They do take the same exact genes at nativity (I believe reflected so the angles of the dick may exist inverted). Of course surroundings has some influence. About likely their dicks will be very like. They will probably even has the same curves.

    Like 1 Person

  • madhatters4

    2 identical twins who are exposed to the same exact environmental factors should by logic have the aforementioned size penis. As they have the same verbal genetic makeup and whatever environmental factors would impacted identically... only even the slightest environmental differences could touch on this

    fraternal twins definitely would non necessarily have the same penis size

    Like ane Person

  • Pat8707

    @MissNowhere aka "misstoomanydickquestions" now posts a question asking about dicks. What is happening right now? Is the world ending?
    It is a good question though... I would imagine that simply identical twins are.

    Like one Person

    • MissNowhere


  • Yumix

    Watch lots of porn with male twins and tell u.s. your results ,)

    Like 5 People

    • MissNowhere

      LOL xD
      I'thou non good at telling sizes

    • WhatTheHellAmy

      Best respond lol

    • Yumix

      don't worry, @WhatTheHellAmy volunteered to help you analysing all the different dicks ;)

    • Evidence All

  • mr90skid

    Like 2 People

  • WhatTheHellAmy

    This question is amazing hahah Never thought most this before lol

    Like 2 People

    • MissNowhere

      You're a wild ane, y'all could go and test it out for me 😛

    • WhatTheHellAmy

      Wait for the Aston twins, they are so hot and they have the aforementioned dick size. (Yeah, I actually saw twins porn)

    • MissNowhere

      ooh yess they are quite hot!!

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  • ElissaDido

    Because it's the same cell that divides in 2 unlike cells and non two unlike spermatozoa who fertilize ii different ovulas (in the instance of non identical twins) I recall yep, information technology'due south the same because they carry the same genetic material.

    Like two People

    • ElissaDido

      Simply some other environmental factors and manner of life tin modify it,

  • tenchu11

    Are yous wondering if they are swapping you or one is tricking you?

    Like 2 People

    • MissNowhere

      yeah, sure xD

  • Anonymous

    I suppose ecology factors also as genetics contribute to penis size. If they're raised together I imagine they would be pretty similar in size, only I suppose chance effects could result in ane being somewhat larger than the other.

    If you run across some you tin have fun finding out anyhow...

    Like 1 Person

  • Ihav2fart

    How does your brilliant mind come up with a question similar this? o_o

    Like three People

    • MissNowhere

      I recall a lot most dicks so naturally it happens y'know ^^ hahahha

    • Ihav2fart

      LOL, dick fever eyy

    • MissNowhere

      The urge is uncontrollable x_x

    • Testify All

  • Jared____

    I don't know just merely yesterday a girl asked for a iii way with me and my brother 😂🙈💁🏻 and then I take no idea

    Like 2 People

    • MissNowhere

      what the hell o_o xD

    • CHARismatic110

      Are yous a twin?

    • Jared____

      Nope😂 my brother is 4 years older

  • nert73

    I'd accept to say most probable not. Just probable two female identical twins usually aren't going to have the same menstrual cycle, male twins' reproductive organs aren't very likely to exist the same size.

    Like ane Person

  • RachelBrigs

    Identical twins aren't completely identical and so probably not.

    My dad is an identical twin only his brother was like an inch shorter and had a slightly unlike build.

    Like 1 Person

  • SurströmmingLover

    No, the ane of them has 0.0023 % bigger. Then a potential female person partner has to guess right before choosing the right guy out of them :)

    Like ane Person

    • MissNowhere

      Hahahaa 😛

  • JustinCaseUDontKnow

    Most probable not just you do know pee pee size got to do
    with how much claret flow goes to the penis? XD <3

    Like 2 People

    • JamielovesKU


    • JustinCaseUDontKnow

    • JamielovesKU

      ;) ;)

  • DrBLan

    I'grand not a twin but I have a feeling if I did have a twin that my junk would be the same size. This might be the weirdest question I've e'er heard today ever.

    Like i Person

    • DrBLan

      Most helpful opinion ever, ever. =-)

      Just throwing that out there

  • CheerGirl38139

    Haha damn girl. You are on a gyre today!

    Im a twin and im pretty sure my dick is smaller. Oh wait... you said identical.

    Like 1 Person

  • pavlove

    why do you ask this? are you about to practice it with twins?

    Like 1 Person

    • MissNowhere

      NOOO 😂😂


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Do Twins Have The Same Size Dick,


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